


Monday evening's beginning January 27th-February 17th @ 7PM—9PM (4 classes)

Actors are trained to respond truthfully in moments of imaginary circumstances. Yet inevitably actors will experience moments of tension, rigidity, and stress that interfere with their ability to respond in a believable way.

In this special series, actors will learn to develop their kinesthetic awareness, discover habits of their physical body, and foster better alignment, and breathing.

A few skills you will leave class with:

  • Improved self-awareness
  • Discovery of the body as an instrument
  • Tools to reduce stress + anxiety
  • Increased confidence + ease
  • Ability to stay present, connected + grounded

This class is based on the principles of the Alexander Technique, a mind/body method that teaches actors how to release unnecessary stress and tension in themselves. This allows actors to access their most natural and authentic responses in their performances and in their daily living.

Through this unique class, you will experience becoming more familiar with your body, breath, and voice so that you can better adapt and embody your characters’ unique expressions.

If you have questions, you can schedule a call with Morgan Rysdon.

Tuition: $200
Class duration: 2 hours, 4 sessions
Maximum of 12 students

If you have questions, you can schedule a call with Morgan Rysdon. REGISTER HERE.



Wednesday's beginning January 22nd-February 12th @ 11AM—1PM (4 classes)

Your voice communicates more than just the words (or text) you speak—your voice also carries your emotional tone, your pitch, and your pace at which you wish to connect with others. Every one of us has a sound that is unique to us, however what if your voice isn’t flowing with the freedom and ease that you want? Or what if the sound is strained, tight, or tense?

This class was specially designed for anyone interested in improving their voice and aims to help you remove stress and tension from your body, develop better breath support, and learn skills to produce better coordinated vocal production.

A few skills you will leave class with:

  • Discover skills for improved breathing
  • Tools to identify (and reduce!) strain + tension in your voice
  • Increase confidence + ease when speaking
  • Ability to find freedom in your voice for clearer communication
  • Improve overall self-awareness

Through this unique class, you will experience becoming more familiar with your body, breath, and voice so that you can better adapt and embody your characters’ unique expressions. This class can be repeated multiple times.

Tuition: $200
Class duration: 2 hours, 4 sessions
Maximum of 12 students

If you have questions, you can schedule a call with Morgan Rysdon. REGISTER HERE.




Overcoming Performance Anxiety and Stage Fright AT THE ALLIANCE THEATRE

Monday's beginning March 3rd-March 24th @ 7PM—9PM (4 classes)

This series has been specially designed to teach you skills to reduce stresss and anxiety that can arise when performing. Whether on stage, on camera, or in person meeting with an agent/director you will gain the tools needed to feel more relaxed and easy in your body.

Come prepared to move your body, step outside your comfort zone, and explore the potential of what your body can feel like in even the most stressful scenarios.

This class is also for non-actors. Anyone who experiences ‘performance’ anxiety when giving a presentation, going for a job interview, or simply interacting with others. All the skills learned in this intensive are applicable for actors and non-actors. Please reach out if you have any questions prior to signing up.

Tuition: $200
Class duration: 2 hours, 4 sessions
Maximum of 16 students

If you have questions, you can schedule a call with Morgan Rysdon. REGISTER HERE.

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Each one of us is unique :: that's why I offer free 15-minute phone consultations to everyone interested in learning more.